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Bali: Global Classroom Adventure

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Location :Bali, Indonesia
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Location : Bali, Indonesia
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Location : Bali, Indonesia
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About Your Tour Leader Ryan Hauck

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About Global Family Travels

Location : Bali, Indonesia
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Add-on +US$25

Climate Change Initiative: Tomorrow’s Air

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About the World Affairs Council Global Classroom Program

Location : Seattle, WA, USA
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About the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

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Life Below Water: UNSDG #14

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Banjar Workshop

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Tri Hita Karana

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Batik Fabric

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Peliatan Palace

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Balinese Legong Dance

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Herbal Walk

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English Games & Activities at a Local School

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Wayang Kulit Shadow Puppets

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Mount Batur Volcano

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Downhill Bicycling Tour

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Women’s Center

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Ulun Danu Beratan Temple

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Coral Restoration Project

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Service project with the Biorock Team

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Melanting Temple

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Menjangan Island

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Beach Cleanup Service Project

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Turtle Hatchery

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East Bali Immersion

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Bali Mandara School

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Cooking Class

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East Bali Cashews

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Service at Anakardia Pre-school

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Coral Triangle Center

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R.O.L.E Foundation

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Plastic Island: Pollution’s Effect on Marine Life

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Tour Map

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